The journey from idea to indie sensation in the tabletop industry can be an intimidating prospect. If you’re starting out without knowing anyone who’s already walked a similar path, it’s hard to know where to take your paper prototypes, cobbled together with cannibalized monopoly sets and counters, to take them forward.
Thankfully for budding game designer Brits, a regular sight at UK Games Expo (and with many more events throughout the country) are the red shirt rescuers known as Playtest UK. This community of driven game designers looking to help the next generation of designers to find their feet can be seen at many coventions, meet ups and events across the country, creating a haven for cutting-edge designs to play and demonstrate. Speaking personally, I always endeavour to set aside at least an hour at every convention where they’re present, as the myriad of fascinating game ideas and enthusiastic people always brightens my day.