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Black+White Photography Magazine January 2013 Retour à l'édition précédente

336 Critiques   •  English   •   Art & Photography (Photography)
Only €5,99
This month’s issue is all about portraiture with our lead article on the work of portrait genius, Michael Birt. What we love about his work is how it’s grown and changed over the years, the sign of a truly creative photographer.
We also take a look at how black & white is surviving in the colour-focused Taylor Wessing portraiture award. Steve Pill takes a good look at this prestigious competition and picks out the best of the monochrome winners.
Still with portraiture in mind, we invited five lucky readers to join us on a workshop with Tim Clinch. Starting out in a makeshift studio, we then went on to try some on the spot shooting at a local hotel. The results speak for themselves.
Where would portraiture be without Julia Margaret Cameron? And who best to talk about her but the world expert and Founding Head of the National Media Museum, Colin Ford. In the first of a three-part series, he tells us how it all began.
Regular columnist and experienced traveller, Lee Frost sets out with portraits in mind, and gives plenty of good advice on how to get the best shots, with the minimum amount of kit, while on the move. Tracy Hallett, on the other hand, stays put in the studio and explains how to make evocative portraits using 10 simple lighting set-ups.
Finally, we look at the six best tripods for shooting portraits, plus all our regular features to inspire and guide you – and some great prizes to be won with your photography.
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Black+White Photography

January 2013 This month’s issue is all about portraiture with our lead article on the work of portrait genius, Michael Birt. What we love about his work is how it’s grown and changed over the years, the sign of a truly creative photographer. We also take a look at how black & white is surviving in the colour-focused Taylor Wessing portraiture award. Steve Pill takes a good look at this prestigious competition and picks out the best of the monochrome winners. Still with portraiture in mind, we invited five lucky readers to join us on a workshop with Tim Clinch. Starting out in a makeshift studio, we then went on to try some on the spot shooting at a local hotel. The results speak for themselves. Where would portraiture be without Julia Margaret Cameron? And who best to talk about her but the world expert and Founding Head of the National Media Museum, Colin Ford. In the first of a three-part series, he tells us how it all began. Regular columnist and experienced traveller, Lee Frost sets out with portraits in mind, and gives plenty of good advice on how to get the best shots, with the minimum amount of kit, while on the move. Tracy Hallett, on the other hand, stays put in the studio and explains how to make evocative portraits using 10 simple lighting set-ups. Finally, we look at the six best tripods for shooting portraits, plus all our regular features to inspire and guide you – and some great prizes to be won with your photography.

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Black+White Photography issue January 2013

Black+White Photography  |  January 2013  

This month’s issue is all about portraiture with our lead article on the work of portrait genius, Michael Birt. What we love about his work is how it’s grown and changed over the years, the sign of a truly creative photographer.
We also take a look at how black & white is surviving in the colour-focused Taylor Wessing portraiture award. Steve Pill takes a good look at this prestigious competition and picks out the best of the monochrome winners.
Still with portraiture in mind, we invited five lucky readers to join us on a workshop with Tim Clinch. Starting out in a makeshift studio, we then went on to try some on the spot shooting at a local hotel. The results speak for themselves.
Where would portraiture be without Julia Margaret Cameron? And who best to talk about her but the world expert and Founding Head of the National Media Museum, Colin Ford. In the first of a three-part series, he tells us how it all began.
Regular columnist and experienced traveller, Lee Frost sets out with portraits in mind, and gives plenty of good advice on how to get the best shots, with the minimum amount of kit, while on the move. Tracy Hallett, on the other hand, stays put in the studio and explains how to make evocative portraits using 10 simple lighting set-ups.
Finally, we look at the six best tripods for shooting portraits, plus all our regular features to inspire and guide you – and some great prizes to be won with your photography.
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Black+White Photography is the champion of the B&W image. The magazine features stunning contemporary images from some of the finest names in black & white. As well techniques and tips, product news and reviews, every issue provides opportunities for readers to have their work published and to benefit from a variety of competitions and workshops. Black+White Photography is considered a ‘must read’ for anyone interested or working in the creative world of B&W imaging.

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Sur la base de 336 Commentaires des clients
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Black+White Photography

very impressive Révision 21 février 2025

Very good magazine in need of some fresh perspectives

For the most part, I find B/W Photography Magazine essential reading: well-written; informative and with a good balance between different styles and methods. I especially like features about photographers and their work, the news and the book section.

I have one reservation. Apart from Lee Frost, I no longer read any of the staff writer/photographers. I feel that it is time for some fresh ideas and new perspectives.
Révision 06 avril 2022

Black + White Photography

It is one of the best photography magasines around. I so look forward to the arrival of each an every issue Révision 18 février 2021

Black + White Photography

Superbly focused to the subject of B+W fine art and photography! Révision 12 février 2021

Black + White Photography

Very good magazine with lots of interesting information. Révision 05 janvier 2021

Articles dans ce numéro

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