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British Railway Modelling (BRM) Magazine DCC for Beginners Édition spéciale

1268 Critiques   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Scale Modelling)
Only €3,49
Welcome to World of Railways DCC for Beginners, a collection of our favourite DCC articles and videos from BRM magazine.

If DCC is still a sticking point on your layout, then this bookazine is designed for you, with video demonstrations and advice from the experts. The vast selection of content on offer includes how to fit a point motor, how to automate your signals and a comprehensive guide to DCC decoders.

Enjoy the issue and happy modelling!
British Railway Modelling (BRM) Preview PagesBritish Railway Modelling (BRM) Preview Pages

British Railway Modelling (BRM)

DCC for Beginners Welcome to World of Railways DCC for Beginners, a collection of our favourite DCC articles and videos from BRM magazine. If DCC is still a sticking point on your layout, then this bookazine is designed for you, with video demonstrations and advice from the experts. The vast selection of content on offer includes how to fit a point motor, how to automate your signals and a comprehensive guide to DCC decoders. Enjoy the issue and happy modelling!

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3,49 / issue
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Les économies sont calculées sur la base d'un achat comparable de numéros uniques sur une période d'abonnement annualisée et peuvent varier par rapport aux montants annoncés. Les calculs sont effectués à des fins d'illustration uniquement. Les abonnements numériques comprennent le dernier numéro et tous les numéros réguliers publiés au cours de l'abonnement, sauf indication contraire. L'abonnement choisi sera automatiquement renouvelé s'il n'est pas résilié dans la section Mon compte jusqu'à 24 heures avant la fin de l'abonnement en cours.


Here at BRM, we pride ourselves in bringing railway modellers the best magazine possible, with our core aim to bring you fantastic layouts, the latest new product reviews first, plus a helpful dose of modelling advice, 13 times a year. You see, we are more than a magazine, we are here to help you get to the heart of the hobby.

Going digital means you get more video, so you can watch the trains go by while reading about the layouts, plus watch some great practical demonstrations. Also included is the latest issue of World of Railways TV every month, plus extra magazines and guides.

Not only that, you can enjoy the latest issue of BRM a week before it arrives in shops, and receive every issue directly to your inbox, so you can stay warm and dry at home.

It’s time to go digital and enjoy all the best bits of BRM with even more great video content included.

You’ll get your British Railway Modelling fix 13 times a year with an annual BRM Digital Edition magazine subscription - download the latest edition to your device today to help take your scale modelling to the next level!

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Mar 25 issue Mar 25 Mar 25 Acheter pour €7,99 Voir | Ajouter au panier
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