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Hobbies & Crafts

Antiques to Vintage Magazine

4 numeri all'anno   |  English
0 Recensioni   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Collecting)
From €4,25 per numero

Arming antique collectors and enthusiasts with a publication dedicated to finding hidden gems and restoring glorious items from the past, Antiques To Vintage offers essential reading to antiquarians looking to learn more. As Australia’s number one digital magazine for vintage collectables, endearing antiquities, and other rare oddities, Antiques To Vintage is a one-stop shop for anyone looking to hone their antique hunting skills.

Released quarterly, Antiques To Vintage is packed full of features, news, and collecting tips that enhance the endeavours of those who love to search for antiques across Australia. Whether you have a huge collection of pre-loved treasures, have just started getting into antiques, or find value in all things vintage, an Antiques To Vintage digital magazine subscription is sure to cater to your collectable curating needs.

Advance your antique hunting prowess - with an Antiques To Vintage digital magazine subscription.

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Antiques to Vintage Preview Pages Antiques to Vintage Preview Pages Antiques to Vintage Preview Pages Antiques to Vintage Preview Pages Antiques to Vintage Preview Pages Antiques to Vintage Preview Pages Antiques to Vintage Preview Pages Antiques to Vintage Preview Pages

Antiques to Vintage

Summer 2024 The Summer 2024 issue of Antiques to Vintage is packed with interesting, in-depth, quirky and informative features on anything and everything to do with antiques and collectables. We enjoy the romance of Vienna porcelain, meet a collector of all things camel and admire the delicate Victorian epergne. There’s a feature on colonial silversmith James Blanch, we look at flapper fashion and time travel with the carriage clock. There are tips on waxing your furniture, we travel the early road maps and show you all things asparagus. We reveal stories of scandalous silver, stroll the British seaside pier and look at Picasso pottery, as well as Peggy dolls, Chinese kilns, luxury timbers and Georg Jensen jewellery. Our 10 page special section on Mid Century Modern includes Arabia pottery, Pyrex glass and the retro TV and we highlight collectable fashion designers along with all the regular features. Treat yourself and shop your way through 17 pages of Paraphernalia crammed full of more than 350 gorgeous items to buy!

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Offerte digitali disponibili:

Singolo numero digitale Summer 2024
5,99 / issue
Annuale Abbonamento digitale OFFERTA SPECIALE: Adesso €16,99 Era €23,99 Fatturato annualmente
€4,25 / edizione
I risparmi sono calcolati sull'acquisto comparabile di singoli numeri su un periodo di abbonamento annualizzato e possono variare rispetto agli importi pubblicizzati. I calcoli sono solo a scopo illustrativo. Gli abbonamenti digitali includono l'ultimo numero e tutti i numeri regolari pubblicati durante l'abbonamento, se non diversamente indicato. L'abbonamento scelto si rinnoverà automaticamente a meno che non venga annullato nell'area Il mio account fino a 24 ore prima della scadenza dell'abbonamento in corso.

Issue Cover

Antiques to Vintage  |  Summer 2024  

The Summer 2024 issue of Antiques to Vintage is packed with interesting, in-depth, quirky and informative features on anything and everything to do with antiques and collectables. We enjoy the romance of Vienna porcelain, meet a collector of all things camel and admire the delicate Victorian epergne. There’s a feature on colonial silversmith James Blanch, we look at flapper fashion and time travel with the carriage clock. There are tips on waxing your furniture, we travel the early road maps and show you all things asparagus. We reveal stories of scandalous silver, stroll the British seaside pier and look at Picasso pottery, as well as Peggy dolls, Chinese kilns, luxury timbers and Georg Jensen jewellery. Our 10 page special section on Mid Century Modern includes Arabia pottery, Pyrex glass and the retro TV and we highlight collectable fashion designers along with all the regular features. Treat yourself and shop your way through 17 pages of Paraphernalia crammed full of more than 350 gorgeous items to buy!
Per saperne di più leggere di meno

Since the first issue was released four decades ago, Antiques To Vintage has been educating antique lovers of Australia with an informative and educational magazine dedicated to the art of collecting and restoring fascinating items from the past. Entirely focused on highlighting a variety of items that range from quaint to quirky, important to innovative, and relevant to regal, Antiques To Vintage prides itself on supplying an eclectic range of content that caters to every type of collector.

Covering a wide range of subjects—from budget-busting statement pieces to inexpensive cute collectables - Antiques To Vintage traverses the vast Australian antique landscape to help collectors find whatever interests them the most. Each issue features articles on specific objects, the latest collectable trends, analysis and breakdown of exhibitions and events, and a fascinating look into the specific histories of the highly coveted collectables that keep collectors coming back for more.

Packed with guidance and advice that can help advance the ambitions of antique collectors looking for treasure in Australia - an Antiques To Vintage digital magazine subscription is the must-have bargain-hunting bible for collectors looking to grow.

Find value in vintage, and accelerate your love of antiques - with an Antiques To Vintage digital magazine subscription.

Cater to your collecting curiosities with an Antiques To Vintage digital magazine subscription. Here’s what you can expect in each educational and encouraging quarterly issue:

  • The latest antique collecting news
  • A look into the history of a wide range of vintage antique
  • Restoration advice
  • Upcoming exhibitions and events across Australia
  • Coverage of a huge selection of collectables
  • Download the latest issue to your device instantly

Riceverete 4 edizioni durante un periodo di 1 anno Antiques to Vintage abbonamento alla rivista.

Nota: le edizioni digitali non includono gli articoli di copertina o i supplementi che si trovano nelle copie stampate.

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