GREIG - The family of the late Ken Greig would like to thank everyone for their kind messages, cards and support over the last few weeks. Our grateful thanks go to all the staff of Campbeltown Hospital involved in Ken’s care, to Rev Philip Wallace for an uplifting service, to David McEwan for the lovely music, to Alasdair, Kenneth and Rhys Blair for their professionalism and guidance, to the Argyll Hotel for the purvey, and lastly, to all who paid their respects at the church and graveyard. £1,345.21 was generously donated to the retiral collection for Campbeltown Acute Ward and Lorne and Lowland Church.
MACMILLAN - The family of the late Jenny F MacMillan would like to express their appreciation to family, friends and neighbours for their kind thoughts, cards, flowers, visits and baking following their recent loss. It was Jenny’s wish to be nursed at home, which was achieved, so a heartfelt thanks to Maggie, all the district nurses and Carr Gomm staff and Dr Norrie for their dedication and guidance. Our thanks to Mathew and organist, David McEwan, for the comforting service and music, to T A Blair for their guidance and assistance and to the Argyll Hotel for the excellent purvey. To all who attended the church and interment, our heartfelt thanks. The amount of £600 was collected and will be donated to Macmillan Nurses, Kintyre Locality.
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