Alpinist  |  Issue 33 | Winter 2010-11
At 13,770 feet, the Grand Teton reveals a complete alpine world: a foreboding North Face, sunny classic ridges, steep snow couloirs and (sometimes) ice lines. Yet perhaps what's most interesting, as local historian Paul Horton says, is "the interaction of man and mountain over the years. It's remarkable, maybe unique among American mountains, that such a complex history is so well preserved." Renny Jackson narrates more than a century of written records and oral tradition in the Alpinist 33 Mountain Profile. Also in this issue, Andrew Querner and Jeremy Kroeker commemorate the "Father of Canadian Rockies Mixed Climbing," Dave Thompson (1955-2009). John Burcham and Andrew Frost capture the space, light and human form of Sedona, in "Still Life With Sand."
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Artikelen in deze editie
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