AQ: Australian Quarterly  |  Australian Quarterly 87.2
Now in it's 87th year AQ continues to pack its pages with the country’s most distinguished and passionate thinkers, tackling the big issues in science, politics and society.
In this edition, we look at some of the inscrutables surrounding Australia's political culture, including the architecture of our 'Theatres of Politics' and whether the voting public really is averse to minority governments.
Containing Chief Scientists, Aussie rock legends and an article on why medieval choir music is partially to blame for the state of Australian politics, this is an edition not to be missed!
AQ continues to deliver In-depth and independent analyses of the topics that are shaping Australia. With longer-style articles written by the people at the forefront of the debates, AQ is unique in bridging the gap between journal and magazine, combining the compelling writing of a glossy with the intellectual rigour of a journal.
If it matters to Australia then it matters to AQ. Know science, know politics, know Australian Quarterly.
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Je ontvangt 4 edities gedurende een periode van 1 jaar AQ: Australian Quarterly abonnement op een tijdschrift.
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Artikelen in deze editie
Hieronder vindt u een selectie van artikelen in AQ: Australian Quarterly Australian Quarterly 87.2.