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Art & Photography

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Probeer een Gratis monster van Art Collector
Probeer een Gratis monster

Art Collector Magazine

4 edities per jaar   |  English
7 Beoordelingen   •  English   •   Art & Photography (Architecture)
From €10,50 per uitgave
Launched in 1997, Art Collector is Australia’s premier contemporary art magazine for collectors.

Published quarterly, it covers contemporary art from Australia and New Zealand, including Aboriginal art.

Each issue includes beautifully illustrated profiles of leading artists, collectors and dealers, as well as authoritative reports on the latest developments in the art world and analysis of important art world issues.

Art Collector is also well known for annual special issues such as 50 Things Collectors Need to Know and Undiscovered, which profiles emerging artistic talent.

Art Collector is the only magazine for art collectors.
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Art Collector

Issue 111 Start your year with Art Collector's most anticipated issue - our annual "50 Things Collectors Need to Know" issue. This comprehensive guide brings you essential insights, emerging trends, and market intelligence for the year ahead in contemporary art collecting. Start your year with Art Collector's most anticipated issue - our annual "50 Things Collectors Need to Know" special edition. This comprehensive guide brings you essential insights, emerging trends, and market intelligence for the year ahead in contemporary art collecting. Special Features: Curator insights on emerging artistic movements Behind-the-scenes looks at private collections Guide to upcoming art fairs and cultural events Conversations with influential curators and artists Exploration of new media and contemporary practices Regional spotlights on artistic communities

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Beschikbare digitale aanbiedingen:

Enkele digitale editie Issue 111
18,99 / issue
Jaarlijks Digitaal abonnement €41,99 jaarlijks gefactureerd
€10,50 / editie
6 maanden Digitaal abonnement €23,99 twee keer per jaar gefactureerd
€11,99 / editie
Besparingen zijn berekend op de vergelijkbare aankoop van losse nummers over een abonnementsperiode op jaarbasis en kunnen afwijken van geadverteerde bedragen. Berekeningen dienen alleen ter illustratie. Digitale abonnementen omvatten het laatste nummer en alle reguliere nummers die tijdens uw abonnement verschijnen, tenzij anders vermeld. De door u gekozen termijn wordt automatisch verlengd, tenzij u tot 24 uur voor het einde van het lopende abonnement opzegt in de Mijn Account-zone.

Issue Cover

Art Collector  |  Issue 111  

Start your year with Art Collector's most anticipated issue - our annual "50 Things Collectors Need to Know" issue. This comprehensive guide brings you essential insights, emerging trends, and market intelligence for the year ahead in contemporary art collecting. Start your year with Art Collector's most anticipated issue - our annual "50 Things Collectors Need to Know" special edition. This comprehensive guide brings you essential insights, emerging trends, and market intelligence for the year ahead in contemporary art collecting.

Special Features:

Curator insights on emerging artistic movements
Behind-the-scenes looks at private collections
Guide to upcoming art fairs and cultural events
Conversations with influential curators and artists
Exploration of new media and contemporary practices
Regional spotlights on artistic communities
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Launched in 1997, Art Collector is Australia’s premier contemporary art magazine for collectors.

Published quarterly, it covers contemporary art from Australia and New Zealand, including Aboriginal art.

Each issue includes beautifully illustrated profiles of leading artists, collectors and dealers, as well as authoritative reports on the latest developments in the art world and analysis of important art world issues.

Art Collector is also well known for annual special issues such as 50 Things Collectors Need to Know and Undiscovered, which profiles emerging artistic talent.

Art Collector is the only magazine for art collectors.

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•  Een korting op de verkoopprijs van je tijdschrift
•  Je tijdschrift elke maand op je apparaat
•  Je zult nooit een editie missen
•  Je bent beschermd tegen prijsstijgingen die later in het jaar kunnen plaatsvinden

Je ontvangt 4 edities gedurende een periode van 1 jaar Art Collector abonnement op een tijdschrift.

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Gebaseerd op 7 Beoordelingen van klanten
Bekijk beoordelingen

good mag covers contemporary art from Australia and New Zealand

good mag covers contemporary art from Australia and New Zealand Beoordeeld op 19 juni 2020

Really worth the money

Ideal for all those artist uses throughout the world Beoordeeld op 23 februari 2020

Highly recommended

Interesting magazine for all art enthusiasts young and old Beoordeeld op 17 juli 2019

Artikelen in deze editie

Hieronder vindt u een selectie van artikelen in Art Collector Issue 111.

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Probeer een Gratis monster van Art Collector
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