Art Market Magazine | August 2021
In this beautiful August Issue #62, we have the pleasure to feature magnificent articles about unique and high-quality artists. Art Market's journalist, Ida Salamon, had an exclusive, fascinating interview with Dr. Gindi, a sophisticated sculptor who will be exhibiting at the European Museum of Modern Art in Barcelona this October.
Sasan Nasernia exhibits 'stretched and distorted' Persian and Arabic modern calligraphy works. The magical art of Gabriel Grün comes to life with a special article, 'surpassing reality...with magical realism', dedicated to classical perfection in a modern idiom.
MONICA PILONI exhibits a collection of her unique sculpture and explains about 'Sexuality and Repression.'
More you will find fantastic artists from all around the globe featuring outstanding work.
Featured artists:
Dr. Gindi, Gabriel Grün, Sasan Nasernia, Monica Piloni, Robyn Ward, Wallace Woo, Sofia Lipskerova, Lubov Meshulam Lemkovich, Drew Mandigo, Jake Wood-Evans, Goin, Guillermo Lorca, Madsaki, Amadeo Morelos, and Mircea Suciu.
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• Een korting op de verkoopprijs van je tijdschrift
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Je ontvangt 12 edities gedurende een periode van 1 jaar Art Market Magazine abonnement op een tijdschrift.
Opmerking: Digitale edities bevatten niet de omslagitems of supplementen die je zou vinden bij gedrukte exemplaren.
Artikelen in deze editie
Hieronder vindt u een selectie van artikelen in Art Market Magazine August 2021.