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Probeer een Gratis monster van Bass Player UK
Probeer een Gratis monster

Bass Player UK Magazine 110 November 2014 Vorige editie

62 Beoordelingen   •  English   •   Music (Other)
Rock is a cruel mistress, eh? Take the Stone Temple Pilots, one of America’s biggest bands of the alternative rock persuasion. Singers have come and gone, albums have been certified platinum, side projects have abounded. Their two decades in business have been anything but tranquil – and yet bassist Robert DeLeo has stayed the course, delivering powerful, James Jamerson-indebted bass-lines for a whole sequence of albums with a bunch of STP-related bands. His interview is something to behold, and has lessons for all of us.

Elsewhere in this frankly dynamite issue of BGM we’ve had sit-down time with the widest range of bass players yet, from thrash metal monster Jack Gibson to jazz maestro Paula Gardiner. Somewhere in between we meet the minds behind the Great British Bass Lounge and Anaconda Basses, talk bass with Billy Sheehan and Jah Wobble and rock out at Warwick’s annual Bass Camp. Not a bad month’s work, we reckon, and we hope you enjoy it as much as we did. Check out our reviews section, too, in which we delve into eight-string territory for the first time in, well, ages, and our world-beating tuition section, which has expanded in recent months. As well as our beginners, intermediate and advanced columns, we offer you double bass, FX and cover band advice to help you become the bassist you need to be. Finally, have you booked yourself in for the London Bass Guitar Show in March 2015 yet? Visit www.londonbassguitarshow.com or find us on social media without delay. We can hear the floor shaking at Olympia already...
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Bass Player UK

110 November 2014 Rock is a cruel mistress, eh? Take the Stone Temple Pilots, one of America’s biggest bands of the alternative rock persuasion. Singers have come and gone, albums have been certified platinum, side projects have abounded. Their two decades in business have been anything but tranquil – and yet bassist Robert DeLeo has stayed the course, delivering powerful, James Jamerson-indebted bass-lines for a whole sequence of albums with a bunch of STP-related bands. His interview is something to behold, and has lessons for all of us. Elsewhere in this frankly dynamite issue of BGM we’ve had sit-down time with the widest range of bass players yet, from thrash metal monster Jack Gibson to jazz maestro Paula Gardiner. Somewhere in between we meet the minds behind the Great British Bass Lounge and Anaconda Basses, talk bass with Billy Sheehan and Jah Wobble and rock out at Warwick’s annual Bass Camp. Not a bad month’s work, we reckon, and we hope you enjoy it as much as we did. Check out our reviews section, too, in which we delve into eight-string territory for the first time in, well, ages, and our world-beating tuition section, which has expanded in recent months. As well as our beginners, intermediate and advanced columns, we offer you double bass, FX and cover band advice to help you become the bassist you need to be. Finally, have you booked yourself in for the London Bass Guitar Show in March 2015 yet? Visit www.londonbassguitarshow.com or find us on social media without delay. We can hear the floor shaking at Olympia already...

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Bass Player UK issue 110 November 2014

Bass Player UK  |  110 November 2014  

Rock is a cruel mistress, eh? Take the Stone Temple Pilots, one of America’s biggest bands of the alternative rock persuasion. Singers have come and gone, albums have been certified platinum, side projects have abounded. Their two decades in business have been anything but tranquil – and yet bassist Robert DeLeo has stayed the course, delivering powerful, James Jamerson-indebted bass-lines for a whole sequence of albums with a bunch of STP-related bands. His interview is something to behold, and has lessons for all of us.

Elsewhere in this frankly dynamite issue of BGM we’ve had sit-down time with the widest range of bass players yet, from thrash metal monster Jack Gibson to jazz maestro Paula Gardiner. Somewhere in between we meet the minds behind the Great British Bass Lounge and Anaconda Basses, talk bass with Billy Sheehan and Jah Wobble and rock out at Warwick’s annual Bass Camp. Not a bad month’s work, we reckon, and we hope you enjoy it as much as we did. Check out our reviews section, too, in which we delve into eight-string territory for the first time in, well, ages, and our world-beating tuition section, which has expanded in recent months. As well as our beginners, intermediate and advanced columns, we offer you double bass, FX and cover band advice to help you become the bassist you need to be. Finally, have you booked yourself in for the London Bass Guitar Show in March 2015 yet? Visit www.londonbassguitarshow.com or find us on social media without delay. We can hear the floor shaking at Olympia already...
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Bass Player UK Magazine is the UK's only title devoted to the bass in all its forms for professional players and those just beginning to learn. Using expert writers and reviewers who know their subject in incredible detail, it provides the latest educational columns, news and reviews of instruments, accessories and equipment. Every issue has transcriptions and tuition put together by a team of dedicated professional players so that every reader can learn and nail those all-important basslines. You'll even find genuine rock, jazz, metal and funk stars writing their own columns too.

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Really interesting

Lots of interesting articles Beoordeeld op 25 april 2022

Bass Player UK

I'm writing from Colombia. I really enjoy the magazine. Thanks guys. Beoordeeld op 20 december 2020

Always a good read

Really entertaining view of guitar Beoordeeld op 11 juli 2019

Preferred the old reader

Although the new version has a few extra goodies like a side menu with all articles and a nicer layout, the zoom isn't as good as the old reader. With my phone horizontal the maximum zoom still has tiny lettering. It would be no good to someone who is short sighted. Beoordeeld op 24 november 2012

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Probeer een Gratis monster van Bass Player UK
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