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Probeer een Gratis monster

Black+White Photography Magazine December 2011 Vorige editie

336 Beoordelingen   •  English   •   Art & Photography (Photography)
Only €5,99
In this month’s issue:
December’s Black+White Photography is home to all the latest b&w news, useful reviews, handy hints on technique, and of course, beautiful black & white images.

In this month’s features section Mark Bentley meets photographer Indigo Taylor to chat about his stunning images from the island of Malta. Meanwhile, Richard Dunkley talks storytelling with Elizabeth Roberts, and we finally see the images from our Lomogrophy reader workshop.

As the expenses of Christmas begin to mount up we review the afforable compact camera from Olympus, the SZ-0. And, Tim Clinch jumps on the B+W bandwagon with his new series, Discovering Lightroom.

Roderick Field teaches us to capture compelling architectural shots in our technique section, while Tim Daly explains the beautiful partnership between giant prints and a 5x4 field camera, now we all want one! And, not to be outdone, Lee Frost goes all abstract as he shows us how the unconventional can still be inspiring.

Also in this month’s B+W, we bring you the best of the rest from our Black+White Photographer of the Year competition, Tim Clinch continues his ‘Fortnight at F/8’ series, Colin Harding uncovers the secrets of Kodak, and we continue to build a classic library. Plus, all our regular columns: Newsroom, In the Frame, American Connection, Readers’ Pictures, Window Shopping, Checkout, and One Exhibition Not to Miss.
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Black+White Photography

December 2011 In this month’s issue: December’s Black+White Photography is home to all the latest b&w news, useful reviews, handy hints on technique, and of course, beautiful black & white images. In this month’s features section Mark Bentley meets photographer Indigo Taylor to chat about his stunning images from the island of Malta. Meanwhile, Richard Dunkley talks storytelling with Elizabeth Roberts, and we finally see the images from our Lomogrophy reader workshop. As the expenses of Christmas begin to mount up we review the afforable compact camera from Olympus, the SZ-0. And, Tim Clinch jumps on the B+W bandwagon with his new series, Discovering Lightroom. Roderick Field teaches us to capture compelling architectural shots in our technique section, while Tim Daly explains the beautiful partnership between giant prints and a 5x4 field camera, now we all want one! And, not to be outdone, Lee Frost goes all abstract as he shows us how the unconventional can still be inspiring. Also in this month’s B+W, we bring you the best of the rest from our Black+White Photographer of the Year competition, Tim Clinch continues his ‘Fortnight at F/8’ series, Colin Harding uncovers the secrets of Kodak, and we continue to build a classic library. Plus, all our regular columns: Newsroom, In the Frame, American Connection, Readers’ Pictures, Window Shopping, Checkout, and One Exhibition Not to Miss.

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Gebaseerd op 336 Beoordelingen van klanten
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Black+White Photography

very impressive Beoordeeld op 21 februari 2025

Very good magazine in need of some fresh perspectives

For the most part, I find B/W Photography Magazine essential reading: well-written; informative and with a good balance between different styles and methods. I especially like features about photographers and their work, the news and the book section.

I have one reservation. Apart from Lee Frost, I no longer read any of the staff writer/photographers. I feel that it is time for some fresh ideas and new perspectives.
Beoordeeld op 06 april 2022

Black + White Photography

It is one of the best photography magasines around. I so look forward to the arrival of each an every issue Beoordeeld op 18 februari 2021

Black + White Photography

Superbly focused to the subject of B+W fine art and photography! Beoordeeld op 12 februari 2021

Black + White Photography

Very good magazine with lots of interesting information. Beoordeeld op 05 januari 2021
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Probeer een Gratis monster van Black+White Photography
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