Choir & Organ  |  October 2022
An exclusive interview with Daniel Roth – the titulaire of Saint-Sulpice in Paris – reveals a musician who, at 80, is still passionately involved in his art and maintains firm beliefs on how to approach interpreting a score.
Plus, the Oslo Philharmonic Choir celebrates its centenary with a new choral symphony by Lasse Thoresen; Richard Brasier concludes his examination of the early organ works of César Franck; London’s ‘Joy and Devotion’ festival introduces audiences to the riches of Polish sacred music past and present; inside the workshop of Dutch builder Fokke-Rinke Feenstra, who has been importing British organs to the European mainland for 35 years; how the Northumberland landscape inspires composer John Casken; examining the Hook organ in the Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche, Kreuzberg; revisiting the music of Vaughan Williams’s composition students; our new Digital Digest column launches with a look at how to bring your sheet music into the 21st century; David Hill meets Yale’s professor of conducting Jeffrey Douma; and our guide to digital organs.
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Artikelen in deze editie
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