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Coin Collector Magazine Issue 18 Vorige editie

15 Beoordelingen   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Collecting)
Only €3,49
Issue 18 of Coin Collector takes us around the world and back in time as we give you the lowdown on Roman and Islamic coins; the heroes and villains on English coins; and dare to look at history’s ugliest coins! Plus, we explore the intriguing origins of Irish coins, and there’s the usual mix of news, views, advice and your chance to win Royal Mint’s 2023 Annual Set.
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Coin Collector

Issue 18 Issue 18 of Coin Collector takes us around the world and back in time as we give you the lowdown on Roman and Islamic coins; the heroes and villains on English coins; and dare to look at history’s ugliest coins! Plus, we explore the intriguing origins of Irish coins, and there’s the usual mix of news, views, advice and your chance to win Royal Mint’s 2023 Annual Set.

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3,49 / issue
Deze editie en andere oude edities zijn niet opgenomen in een Coin Collector abonnement. Abonnementen omvatten de nieuwste reguliere editie en nieuwe uitgaven die tijdens uw abonnement zijn uitgebracht en beginnen vanaf slechts €3,00 per uitgave in de Subscription & Back Issue Sale - Hobbies & Crafts offer. . Als je je wilt abonneren, kijk dan op onze Abonnementsopties
Besparingen zijn berekend op de vergelijkbare aankoop van losse nummers over een abonnementsperiode op jaarbasis en kunnen afwijken van geadverteerde bedragen. Berekeningen dienen alleen ter illustratie. Digitale abonnementen omvatten het laatste nummer en alle reguliere nummers die tijdens uw abonnement verschijnen, tenzij anders vermeld. De door u gekozen termijn wordt automatisch verlengd, tenzij u tot 24 uur voor het einde van het lopende abonnement opzegt in de Mijn Account-zone.

Coin Collector issue Issue 18

Coin Collector  |  Issue 18  

Issue 18 of Coin Collector takes us around the world and back in time as we give you the lowdown on Roman and Islamic coins; the heroes and villains on English coins; and dare to look at history’s ugliest coins! Plus, we explore the intriguing origins of Irish coins, and there’s the usual mix of news, views, advice and your chance to win Royal Mint’s 2023 Annual Set.
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Committed to celebrating a hobby that is enjoyable, addictive and rewarding - Coin Collector carefully curates a wide variety of intelligence and advice to ensure that you have a coin collection that you are proud of. Each issue features in-depth articles written by authors, curators, and learned experts to ensure that you have an academic yet accessible publication that can progress your passion further.

Whether you want to know how much you should be paying for historic currency or want to learn more about the coins you already own - a Coin Collector digital magazine subscription offers a wealth of rich content.

With auction updates, buying advice and scarcity guides giving you unbiased intel on buying and selling coins - Coin Collector is the must-have magazine for numismatists of all ages, experience levels and budgets. Whatever coins appeal to you the most, and however you wish to grow your collection, Coin Collector is there to lend a helping hand.

Grow your education as well as your collection. Download the latest issue to your device today!

Cater to your coin-collecting needs - with a Coin Collector digital magazine subscription. Regular features include:

  • Expert advice
  • Buying guides
  • Auction details
  • Scarcity guides
  • The latest coin collecting news and developments
  • Download the latest issue to your device instantly

Je ontvangt 12 edities gedurende een periode van 1 jaar Coin Collector abonnement op een tijdschrift.

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Gebaseerd op 15 Beoordelingen van klanten
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A really great format and good mixed content - really intereesting coin features from all corners of the globe. Recommended. Beoordeeld op 12 juni 2014

Artikelen in deze editie

Hieronder vindt u een selectie van artikelen in Coin Collector Issue 18.

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Issue 24 issue Issue 24 Issue 24 Kopen voor €3,49 Bekijk | In winkelwagen
Issue 23 issue Issue 23 Issue 23 Kopen voor €3,49 Bekijk | In winkelwagen
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