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Cruise & Ferry Magazine Itinerary Planning 2021/22 Vorige editie

1 Beoordelingen   •  English   •   Trade & Professional (Travel)
Only €15,99
The 2022 issue of Cruise & Ferry Itinerary Planning opens with a keynote from Carnival Corporation’s Michel Nestour and a cover story exploring the enduring appeal of the Mediterranean for cruise lines and their guests.

Other highlights include our ‘A breath of fresh air’ feature, where cruise line and port executives highlight their new itineraries, excursions and destination offerings as ships return to service around the world. There is also a second feature highlighting how the tireless efforts of various key industry stakeholders have put the Florida-Caribbean cruise industry on track towards a rapid recovery in 2022.

Elsewhere, cruise executives reveal their itinerary planning strategies and various cruise associations share the latest updates from their members and outline their key priorities for the future. Other highlights include reports and viewpoints from ports and destinations worldwide, as well as a marketwatch section featuring an interview with Ambassador Cruise Line’s Michele Lupino.
Cruise & Ferry Preview PagesCruise & Ferry Preview Pages

Cruise & Ferry

Itinerary Planning 2021/22 The 2022 issue of Cruise & Ferry Itinerary Planning opens with a keynote from Carnival Corporation’s Michel Nestour and a cover story exploring the enduring appeal of the Mediterranean for cruise lines and their guests.   Other highlights include our ‘A breath of fresh air’ feature, where cruise line and port executives highlight their new itineraries, excursions and destination offerings as ships return to service around the world. There is also a second feature highlighting how the tireless efforts of various key industry stakeholders have put the Florida-Caribbean cruise industry on track towards a rapid recovery in 2022.   Elsewhere, cruise executives reveal their itinerary planning strategies and various cruise associations share the latest updates from their members and outline their key priorities for the future. Other highlights include reports and viewpoints from ports and destinations worldwide, as well as a marketwatch section featuring an interview with Ambassador Cruise Line’s Michele Lupino.

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