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Probeer een Gratis monster van Esquire
Probeer een Gratis monster

Esquire Magazine Spring 2023 Vorige editie

4 Beoordelingen   •  English   •   Men's Interest (Lifestyle)
Only €4,99
A movie star looks in the mirror

What will the world look like, and taste like, post-alcohol?

Two upstart racquet games are the quickest-growing sports in Europe and America. They are fun, fast and addictive. But with Andy Murray and Leo Messi backing padel, and George Clooney and Kim Kardashian cheering for pickleball, which heavy hitter will achieve world domination? And should tennis, squash and ping-pong be worried?

For any surfer, taking on the monster waves at Nazaré in Portugal is a death-defying risk. For Matt Formston, there’s another consideration: he’s blind

An invitation to appear as himself in Tár, the Cate Blanchett movie, gave the writer Adam Gopnik a rare and revelatory insight into the craft of acting: on set, on stage and in everyday life
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Spring 2023 BECOMING IDRIS ELBA A movie star looks in the mirror THE LAST DROP What will the world look like, and taste like, post-alcohol? NO LOVE LOST Two upstart racquet games are the quickest-growing sports in Europe and America. They are fun, fast and addictive. But with Andy Murray and Leo Messi backing padel, and George Clooney and Kim Kardashian cheering for pickleball, which heavy hitter will achieve world domination? And should tennis, squash and ping-pong be worried? DARK PLACES For any surfer, taking on the monster waves at Nazaré in Portugal is a death-defying risk. For Matt Formston, there’s another consideration: he’s blind NOTES OF A BAPTISED PENGUIN An invitation to appear as himself in Tár, the Cate Blanchett movie, gave the writer Adam Gopnik a rare and revelatory insight into the craft of acting: on set, on stage and in everyday life

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First issued in 1933, Esquire was primarily a men's fashion magazine in its early years of publishing but soon began to develop into the diverse read it is today. Esquire magazine then transformed itself into a more polished periodical, retaining its focus on men's fashion and publishing contributions by legendary writers such as Ernest Hemmingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald. In the subsequent decades, Esquire became recognised for its first-class writing and quality perspective on men's taste, a reputation which has endured to today.

Esquire magazine regularly features reports on the latest trends in men's luxury clothing and accessories as well as design, architecture and everything in between. Hear from leading innovators in interviews with groundbreaking directors, authors, chefs, designers and entrepreneurs at the top of their field. 

An essential magazine subscription for all ambitious and adventurous men, you'll find Britain's leading lifestyle reporting in your digital version of Esquire.

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Probeer een Gratis monster van Esquire
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