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Probeer een Gratis monster van Golf Monthly
Probeer een Gratis monster

Golf Monthly Magazine April 2017 Vorige editie

10 Beoordelingen   •  English   •   Sport (Cricket & Golf)
Only €5,99
When it comes to the golf swing, the better you understand it, the easier it is to make the correct sequence of moves. From rotating your body to releasing your power through impact, knowing exactly what you should be doing is the first step in resolving the inevitable issues that arise from time to time. This is golf, after all. To help improve your knowledge of the swing, we enlisted the help of Rick Shiels and Peter Finch.
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Golf Monthly

April 2017 BUILD A BETTER SWING When it comes to the golf swing, the better you understand it, the easier it is to make the correct sequence of moves. From rotating your body to releasing your power through impact, knowing exactly what you should be doing is the first step in resolving the inevitable issues that arise from time to time. This is golf, after all. To help improve your knowledge of the swing, we enlisted the help of Rick Shiels and Peter Finch.

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Originally established way back in 1911, Golf Monthly has been a trusted source of golfing news, reviews and interviews for well over a hundred years. Written by golfers, for golfers, Golf Monthly is a magazine suitable for golf enthusiasts of all levels of skill and experience.

Each month, subscribers to Golf Monthly look forward to in-depth equipment reviews of the latest golf clubs on the market, all-revealing interviews with the game’s biggest names and insightful instruction through strategy tips and fault fixers.

Acknowledged as one of the UK’s most authoritative sources of information on the game of golf, each issue of Golf Monthly covers all the latest news and views from the UK, European and World Pro tours, bringing readers all the results and reactions to the tournaments that matter.

Keep yourself up-to-date with the latest from the world of golf with a monthly digital subscription to Golf Monthly magazine - download the latest magazine to your device and enjoy immediately today! 


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Probeer een Gratis monster van Golf Monthly
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