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Haunted Magazine Haunted 9: The Winter Edition Vorige editie

14 Beoordelingen   •  English   •   General Interest (News & Current Affairs)
Only €1,19
Haunted Digital Magazine #9 is your one stop paranormal shop for everything that is ghostly and spooky – a magazine packed to the brim of paranormal features – haunted locations, tales of mystery and murder, legends of old and so much more including as exclusive written features from the people behind the most successful paranormal TV show ever – Most Haunted – that’s right, Karl Beattie and Yvette Fielding write exclusive features for us. Everyone loves a good ghost story at this time of year and #9 of Haunted pays a homage to the classic Christmas ghost story that in its design style – see for yourself. What a year this has been for the paranormal from wonky lamps to haunted vaginas and from websites for lonely spooks to websites to see who has perished in your house, they all feature in Haunted Digital Magazine. We pride ourselves on making the magazine features fun, fresh, informative, interesting and entertaining – where else could you read about ghosthunting for men only, curses, witchcraft and haunted theatres to name but four? Eighty eight pages of pure paranormal pleasure and all available at the click of a button – no postage, no waiting for the postman, no hassle - you click, you order, you pay, you get - simple and remember #dontbenormal – BE PARANORMAL!!
Haunted Magazine Preview PagesHaunted Magazine Preview Pages

Haunted Magazine

Haunted 9: The Winter Edition Haunted Digital Magazine #9 is your one stop paranormal shop for everything that is ghostly and spooky – a magazine packed to the brim of paranormal features – haunted locations, tales of mystery and murder, legends of old and so much more including as exclusive written features from the people behind the most successful paranormal TV show ever – Most Haunted – that’s right, Karl Beattie and Yvette Fielding write exclusive features for us. Everyone loves a good ghost story at this time of year and #9 of Haunted pays a homage to the classic Christmas ghost story that in its design style – see for yourself. What a year this has been for the paranormal from wonky lamps to haunted vaginas and from websites for lonely spooks to websites to see who has perished in your house, they all feature in Haunted Digital Magazine. We pride ourselves on making the magazine features fun, fresh, informative, interesting and entertaining – where else could you read about ghosthunting for men only, curses, witchcraft and haunted theatres to name but four? Eighty eight pages of pure paranormal pleasure and all available at the click of a button – no postage, no waiting for the postman, no hassle - you click, you order, you pay, you get - simple and remember #dontbenormal – BE PARANORMAL!!

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Enkele digitale uitgave Haunted 9: The Winter Edition
1,19 / issue
Deze editie en andere oude edities zijn niet opgenomen in een Haunted Magazine abonnement. Abonnementen omvatten de nieuwste reguliere editie en nieuwe uitgaven die tijdens uw abonnement zijn uitgebracht en beginnen vanaf slechts €1,83 per uitgave in de Subscription & Back Issue Sale - General Interest offer. . Als je je wilt abonneren, kijk dan op onze Abonnementsopties
Besparingen zijn berekend op de vergelijkbare aankoop van losse nummers over een abonnementsperiode op jaarbasis en kunnen afwijken van geadverteerde bedragen. Berekeningen dienen alleen ter illustratie. Digitale abonnementen omvatten het laatste nummer en alle reguliere nummers die tijdens uw abonnement verschijnen, tenzij anders vermeld. De door u gekozen termijn wordt automatisch verlengd, tenzij u tot 24 uur voor het einde van het lopende abonnement opzegt in de Mijn Account-zone.

Gebaseerd op 14 Beoordelingen van klanten
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Haunted Magazine

love it..
Beoordeeld op 02 juni 2020

Love this mag - always some new hauntings to explore

Love this mag - always some new hauntings to explore - try the free sample issues you will become as hooked as me. Beoordeeld op 03 maart 2019

Simply THE Best

What an amazing magazine, where have you been hiding?

Cracking features, subtle humour infused with the scary past of haunted locations. Designed beautifully, which is a blessing in this day and age. You either get awesome editorial OR fantastic design, this magazine gives you both.
Beoordeeld op 06 augustus 2016

WOW!! What a fantastic magazine

This magazine, is without doubt, the best paranormal magazine that I have ever had the pleasure of reading, over 130 pages that are just a joy to read and the way they approach the paranormal is unlike no other - very impressed - well done to the people who produce this!! Beoordeeld op 18 juni 2013
Free Sample Issue
Probeer een Gratis monster van Haunted Magazine
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