Haunted Magazine | Haunted 9: The Winter Edition
Haunted Digital Magazine #9 is your one stop paranormal shop for everything that is ghostly and spooky – a magazine packed to the brim of paranormal features – haunted locations, tales of mystery and murder, legends of old and so much more including as exclusive written features from the people behind the most successful paranormal TV show ever – Most Haunted – that’s right, Karl Beattie and Yvette Fielding write exclusive features for us. Everyone loves a good ghost story at this time of year and #9 of Haunted pays a homage to the classic Christmas ghost story that in its design style – see for yourself. What a year this has been for the paranormal from wonky lamps to haunted vaginas and from websites for lonely spooks to websites to see who has perished in your house, they all feature in Haunted Digital Magazine. We pride ourselves on making the magazine features fun, fresh, informative, interesting and entertaining – where else could you read about ghosthunting for men only, curses, witchcraft and haunted theatres to name but four? Eighty eight pages of pure paranormal pleasure and all available at the click of a button – no postage, no waiting for the postman, no hassle - you click, you order, you pay, you get - simple and remember #dontbenormal – BE PARANORMAL!!
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Als abonnee ontvang je de volgende voordelen:
• Een korting op de verkoopprijs van je tijdschrift
• Je tijdschrift elke maand op je apparaat
• Je zult nooit een editie missen
• Je bent beschermd tegen prijsstijgingen die later in het jaar kunnen plaatsvinden
Je ontvangt 6 edities gedurende een periode van 1 jaar Haunted Magazine abonnement op een tijdschrift.
Opmerking: Digitale edities bevatten niet de omslagitems of supplementen die je zou vinden bij gedrukte exemplaren.
Artikelen in deze editie
Hieronder vindt u een selectie van artikelen in Haunted Magazine Haunted 9: The Winter Edition.