Heavy Duty  |  sepoct17
Wow. It's a great time to be a Harley-Davidson enthusiast with the launch of the new Softail range on August 23 and of course, HEAVY DUTY has the full story on the complete line-up. Doc offers his thoughts on the new bikes and we contemplate the demise of the Dyna range and what it means to Aussie riders. As well, we update Project Power Mate and bring you a story on a 117 cubic inch Road King Sport from Darling Downs H-D. It's a wheel standing monster! And we showcase a killer V-Rod from DG Customs called Bloodsport. It's on the cover and you can't miss it. Also, because we cover all V-Twins there is a piece on the new 2018 Indian range with a beautiful Bobber Scout as the showpiece.
And check out the HEAVY DUTY USA Tour group party up at Sturgis, up to Mt Rushmore, the Black Hills, Deadwood, through the Badlands and more. Get to your newsagent and buy the latest HEAVY DUTY magazine now!
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