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How It Works Bookazine How It Works Book of Amazing Cutaways Fourth Edition Vorige editie

0 Beoordelingen   •  English   •   General Interest (Education & Literary)
In Amazing Cutaways, we delve deeper into the wonderful worlds of science, technology, transport, history, space and the environment with a selection of some of the best illustrations from the pages of How It Works. Get under the skin of the human body as we find out what happens to our food on a journey through the digestive system and discover how our immune system protects us from harm. Check out the habitats that will help humans live and thrive on Mars and learn how NASA’s legendary Space Shuttle worked. Explore some of the wonders of the natural world, including how tigers hunt their prey and the importance of trees on the environment around them. Go inside the smart homes of the future and learn about the amazing tech that shapes our world. Take a look under the hood of a rally car, a Red Arrow and a superyacht. Discover how the dome of Florence Cathedral was constructed and examine how Notre-Dame will be rebuilt following 2019’s devastating fire. And that’s not all – read on for even more fantastic artwork and features.
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How It Works Bookazine

How It Works Book of Amazing Cutaways Fourth Edition In Amazing Cutaways, we delve deeper into the wonderful worlds of science, technology, transport, history, space and the environment with a selection of some of the best illustrations from the pages of How It Works. Get under the skin of the human body as we find out what happens to our food on a journey through the digestive system and discover how our immune system protects us from harm. Check out the habitats that will help humans live and thrive on Mars and learn how NASA’s legendary Space Shuttle worked. Explore some of the wonders of the natural world, including how tigers hunt their prey and the importance of trees on the environment around them. Go inside the smart homes of the future and learn about the amazing tech that shapes our world. Take a look under the hood of a rally car, a Red Arrow and a superyacht. Discover how the dome of Florence Cathedral was constructed and examine how Notre-Dame will be rebuilt following 2019’s devastating fire. And that’s not all – read on for even more fantastic artwork and features.

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Issue Cover

How It Works Bookazine  |  How It Works Book of Amazing Cutaways Fourth Edition  

In Amazing Cutaways, we delve deeper into the wonderful worlds of science, technology, transport, history, space and the environment with a selection of some of the best illustrations from the pages of How It Works. Get under the skin of the human body as we find out what happens to our food on a journey through the digestive system and discover how our immune system protects us from harm. Check out the habitats that will help humans live and thrive on Mars and learn how NASA’s legendary Space Shuttle worked. Explore some of the wonders of the natural world, including how tigers hunt their prey and the importance of trees on the environment around them. Go inside the smart homes of the future and learn about the amazing tech that shapes our world. Take a look under the hood of a rally car, a Red Arrow and a superyacht. Discover how the dome of Florence Cathedral was constructed and examine how Notre-Dame will be rebuilt following 2019’s devastating fire. And that’s not all – read on for even more fantastic artwork and features.
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