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Art Set 4

2 Art Set is a slick app with a minimal design that lets you focus on painting but can also seem a lit tle cr yptic at first. Once you acclimatise however it’s a power ful and versatile setup, with a customisable inter face that lets you work just with one tool or have a bunch of controls on screen. There’s a solid set of brushes and pens in the free version, which appear on the lef t and update based on your colour selec tion with presets and set tings just a tap away.

The one-of f Pro upgrade unlocks a ton of extra stuf f including 200 advanced new brushes with many new tex tures, a variet y of drawing tools including pixel ar t, symmetr y and more, plus layer func tionalit y with masking, blend modes and copy, paste and drag and drop from other apps.

Projec t expor t includes PSD format files and you can time-lapse record your creations to share videos of how you made your painting. The unlock is well wor th it for more serious users.

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