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Probeer een Gratis monster van Mac|Life
Probeer een Gratis monster

Mac|Life Magazine February 2023 Vorige editie

55 Beoordelingen   •  English   •   Tech & Gaming (Apple)
Only €5,99
Upgrade your Apple gear
We've put together an in–depth guide to transferring all of your important data from your old Apple device to your shiny new iPhone, iPad or Mac.

iPhone photography superguide
Unlock the full potential of your iPhone's amazing camera with our expert tips, tricks and step–by–steps.

watchOS 9: Everything you need to know Discover new customization options, health enhancements, productivity boosters and more in this new upgrade.
Mac|Life Preview PagesMac|Life Preview Pages


February 2023 Upgrade your Apple gear We've put together an in–depth guide to transferring all of your important data from your old Apple device to your shiny new iPhone, iPad or Mac. iPhone photography superguide Unlock the full potential of your iPhone's amazing camera with our expert tips, tricks and step–by–steps. watchOS 9: Everything you need to know Discover new customization options, health enhancements, productivity boosters and more in this new upgrade.

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Gebaseerd op 55 Beoordelingen van klanten
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Keeps me informed of hardware and software updates. How to section is also informative. Beoordeeld op 27 februari 2025


I will forver be MacLife's biggest fan. I was disappointed when it only went digital because I loved to take my copy to the beach and read it. People do not tend to steal a magazine but they will take an Ipad. But that aside I love the entire reading of MacLife. Beoordeeld op 18 februari 2025


Good coverage, timely, well done. Beoordeeld op 24 december 2020


Timely and full of information. Best resource I've found. Beoordeeld op 24 augustus 2020


Thank you keep up with the excellent contents. Beoordeeld op 01 maart 2020
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Probeer een Gratis monster van Mac|Life
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