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Over the weekend of 9-10 September, my friend Peter Usher and I decided to make the trip to KMK (Kempense Modelbouw Klub) Scaleworld in Belgium. I set off at 06:00 to drive from Bournemouth in the south of England to pick up Pete from Newbury. We then made our way to Dover and instead of the usual destination of Folkstone for Euro Militaire, we headed for the Channel Tunnel. A broken down train and traffic jam later, we finally reached our destination, a campsite near Mol in Belgium, some fourteen hours after my departure. After a traditional British breakfast, we packed our stuff and headed to the show. We had pre-registered our models and soon were joining dozens of other modellers and placing our pieces in the competition. The competition room was a good size and really well lit, allowing you to see and photograph the models in all their glory. The theme of the competition this year was ‘Abandoned’ and I entered my diorama of of an abandoned Chevrolet car and delighted to be awarded a gold medal and special ‘theme model’ award. Between us we came away with two bronze, a silver and a gold medal.

The show was wonderfully well organised and we were made to feel very welcome. We had to leave straight after the award ceremony and faced yet more delays in returning to Blighty! Eventually, after dropping Pete home, I climbed into bed at 03:00 on the Monday morning. Was it worth it? Oh yes, a fantastic show and one everyone should visit if they get the chance.

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