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Probeer een Gratis monster van Mojo
Probeer een Gratis monster

Mojo Magazine Nov-24 Vorige editie

57 Beoordelingen   •  English   •   Music (Pop)
Only €7,99
The guitar and voice of Pink Floyd roars back, with an album mixing classic moves with startling innovations. On his mind: Rick Wright, false nostalgia, Covid survival, and that Roger tweet. “I have no regrets about it whatsoever.”

It’s a half century since the birth of the fake family with the real-life family issues. Kris Needs returns to the Big Bang of their rock revolution.

Admired by Bowie, courted by Crosby and Stills, exiled in Europe, rediscovered by Big Thief: one of the Great Lost Singer-Songwriters has his day at last.
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Nov-24 DAVID GILMOUR The guitar and voice of Pink Floyd roars back, with an album mixing classic moves with startling innovations. On his mind: Rick Wright, false nostalgia, Covid survival, and that Roger tweet. “I have no regrets about it whatsoever.” RAMONES It’s a half century since the birth of the fake family with the real-life family issues. Kris Needs returns to the Big Bang of their rock revolution. TUCKER ZIMMERMAN Admired by Bowie, courted by Crosby and Stills, exiled in Europe, rediscovered by Big Thief: one of the Great Lost Singer-Songwriters has his day at last.

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For nearly 25 years, MOJO Magazine has been delighting rock music lovers around the world with expert journalism, big name features, iconic photography and no holds barred reviews. Each issue delves into the world of classic rock and showcases one of history's biggest and best acts. Each month, you’ll enjoy an iconic cover featuring music legends such as David Bowie, Bob Dylan, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Who or The Smiths.

MOJO brings you the latest on groundbreaking new artists from around the UK, reviews of the latest albums to hit the shelves and features on the biggest live shows.   

With expert journalism from writers who know the genre inside and out and iconic photography capturing some of the biggest moments in rock history, each issue is a treasure trove for rock music lovers.      

So if you love all things rock 'n’ roll then you have to get yourself a digital subscription to MOJO Magazine today!


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Probeer een Gratis monster van Mojo
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