OutThere  |  #18 The Spellbinding Scotland Issue
It comes as no surprise to us that the official animal of Scotland is a unicorn. You’ll see it on the British coat of arms, symbolising the country’s strength, purity and pride. But the unicorn is also a colourful metaphor for individuality, hopes and dreams, treasures and exuberance, all the things that we feel make Scotland so unique – especially in what it offers OutThere travellers. Scotland is a cornucopia of rich and fulfilling experiences: some old, some new, some borrowed, some locally (and brilliantly) conceived, which is why scouring the country to unlock some of the best and most OutThere secrets was such a huge pleasure.
Our jet-setting experientialists also head to Barcelona and Kathmandu. Over in the Riviera Maya of Mexico, we catch up with OutThere hotelier Kevin Wendle to find out about the moments of insight and inspiration in his vision to create the region’s most stylish retreat.
In stunning Basecamps in Iceland and Sri Lanka, we learn that cathartic, soul-cleansing moments can occur naturally, simply by encompassing what is around you.
We're thrilled that travel is at last opening up again. We hope to see you OutThere.
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Artikelen in deze editie
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