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Photography Masterclass Magazine Issue 128 Vorige editie

0 Beoordelingen   •  English   •   Art & Photography (Photography)
Only €6,99
Mastering Sports Photography: Techniques for capturing the action and freezing the moment

Capture the exhilaration and intensity of sports with this issue of Photography Masterclass Magazine. Learn the techniques and secrets to mastering Sports Photography, allowing you to freeze those crucial moments in time and bring the action to life. Discover why sports photography is such a thriving industry and gain insights into the best cameras, lenses, and accessories for capturing those heart-pounding shots. With expert shooting tips and tricks, you'll be equipped to take your sports photography skills to the next level!

Also in this issue:

+ In our Editor's Choice section we showcase a handpicked selection of our favorite photos.

+ In our expert guide, we look at the benefits of shooting in aperture priority mode and how it can help you achieve creative control over depth of field.

+ We delve into ways to explore your creativity and get out of your comfort zone.

+ Learn the secrets on how to go from boring to fine art black & white using dodge & burn, in a great Lightroom video tutorial.

+ We interview English automotive studio photographer, David Wragg, whose striking images of cars pick out small details in a way that makes art.

+ In our Readers Gallery, we showcase the very best shots from our talented readers.

+ Experience an incredible timelapse journey to the mystical mountain. Mount Roraima.

+ And don't miss our lowdown on the Canon R50 mirrorless camera & why this might be one of the best budget cameras around!

Get All This and More In A Content Packed Issue!
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Photography Masterclass Magazine

Issue 128 Mastering Sports Photography: Techniques for capturing the action and freezing the moment Capture the exhilaration and intensity of sports with this issue of Photography Masterclass Magazine. Learn the techniques and secrets to mastering Sports Photography, allowing you to freeze those crucial moments in time and bring the action to life. Discover why sports photography is such a thriving industry and gain insights into the best cameras, lenses, and accessories for capturing those heart-pounding shots. With expert shooting tips and tricks, you'll be equipped to take your sports photography skills to the next level! Also in this issue: + In our Editor's Choice section we showcase a handpicked selection of our favorite photos. + In our expert guide, we look at the benefits of shooting in aperture priority mode and how it can help you achieve creative control over depth of field. + We delve into ways to explore your creativity and get out of your comfort zone. + Learn the secrets on how to go from boring to fine art black & white using dodge & burn, in a great Lightroom video tutorial. + We interview English automotive studio photographer, David Wragg, whose striking images of cars pick out small details in a way that makes art. + In our Readers Gallery, we showcase the very best shots from our talented readers. + Experience an incredible timelapse journey to the mystical mountain. Mount Roraima. + And don't miss our lowdown on the Canon R50 mirrorless camera & why this might be one of the best budget cameras around! Get All This and More In A Content Packed Issue!

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Photography Masterclass Magazine issue Issue 128

Photography Masterclass Magazine  |  Issue 128  

Mastering Sports Photography: Techniques for capturing the action and freezing the moment

Capture the exhilaration and intensity of sports with this issue of Photography Masterclass Magazine. Learn the techniques and secrets to mastering Sports Photography, allowing you to freeze those crucial moments in time and bring the action to life. Discover why sports photography is such a thriving industry and gain insights into the best cameras, lenses, and accessories for capturing those heart-pounding shots. With expert shooting tips and tricks, you'll be equipped to take your sports photography skills to the next level!

Also in this issue:

+ In our Editor's Choice section we showcase a handpicked selection of our favorite photos.

+ In our expert guide, we look at the benefits of shooting in aperture priority mode and how it can help you achieve creative control over depth of field.

+ We delve into ways to explore your creativity and get out of your comfort zone.

+ Learn the secrets on how to go from boring to fine art black & white using dodge & burn, in a great Lightroom video tutorial.

+ We interview English automotive studio photographer, David Wragg, whose striking images of cars pick out small details in a way that makes art.

+ In our Readers Gallery, we showcase the very best shots from our talented readers.

+ Experience an incredible timelapse journey to the mystical mountain. Mount Roraima.

+ And don't miss our lowdown on the Canon R50 mirrorless camera & why this might be one of the best budget cameras around!

Get All This and More In A Content Packed Issue!
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Photography Masterclass Magazine is designed to help photographers at every skill level boost their skills and get more satisfaction from their photography — all from one helpful resource. Get instant access to value-packed issues, filled with easy-to-follow videos, expert instruction and new techniques. Since 2012, thousands of photographers in 78+ countries have used Photography Masterclass Magazine to elevate their skills, stay inspired and take photos they’re proud of — & you can join them. Ready to have all the step-by-step guidance and get more from your photography? Download Now!

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