Positive & Mindful Leader  |  Issue 14 Summer 2021
In this summer issue of positive & mindful leader, we speak with EY-Seren CEO Michael Von der Geest about how Mindfulness leads to more of what he calls organisational empathy and some of the positive legacies he is seeing from the past pandemic year.
In PERMA-Lead, positive psychologist Dr Markus Ebner introduces his scientific and evidence-based model for Positive Leadership.
Also, the team around Up’n’change Dr Gabriele Land and Barbara Joshua tell us more about how they are disrupting executive coaching by removing traditional barriers.
Finally, this summer issue of Positive & Mindful Leader concludes with my Serrano 99 Insights on how new strategies demand new strategic approaches.
We hope that you enjoy this issue and we wish you and all of your loved ones a great summer. Stay safe! Please do share your thoughts and feedback via contact@positivemindfulleader.com.
Warmest regards,
Armin Forstner
Managing Partner, Serrano 99 Management Consulting
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Artikelen in deze editie
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