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China’s gay children

Yuan Ren

I’m never certain how sensitive the topic of sexual orientation is with new friends. In Beijing at least, among the media, arts and expat circles, there is little taboo attached to homosexuality. But the law lags behind liberal social attitudes. Last month, a gay Chinese couple brought their marriage case to court for the very first time in China. Their appeal for recognition of their marriage failed—China’s laws against same-sex unions remain fully enforced.

Matthew Meng, a 24-year-old Arts graduate who works in Beijing, says that he feels little pressure to keep his orientation under wraps in the capital. Over breakfast, we spoke about his relationships as well as his current boyfriend, who he says is the type of boy that his mother could accept. “He’s much more steady in character and career than my last boyfriend; in the future, if we both have stable careers, my mother might be inclined to give us her blessing.”

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