Radio User  |  July 2020
• NEWS & PRODUCTS: Our comprehensive roundup of radio news
• BOOK REVIEW: A book about the culture-war Nazi Germany was waging against what it saw as ‘degenerate’ art & music of the period
• CROSSWORD: In a new feature for this magazine
• AIRBAND NEWS: The early days of aeronautical communications in the UK, with a look at the key pioneers & the radio equipment of the era
• A LIFETIME OF AERONAUTICAL HF MONITORING: An introduction to a variety of signals & ever-evolving technology
• AERIALS NOW: Aerial modelling, reader feedback & the phenomenon of Near Vertical Incidence Skywave
• TV & RADIO, PAST & PRESENT: John Logie Baird’s television system, the 1926 Geneva Plan & the latest HEVC transmission compression system
• MARITIME MATTERS: Seaborne trade & traffic in the light of Covid-19, the Automatic Identification Service (AIS) system & some intriguing maritime voice comms
• RADIO MAGAZINES, A CENTURY AGO: A fascinating overview of the US radio magazine scene 100 years ago
• DIGITAL RADIO: News on the UK DAB scene, DRM broadcasts & some exciting new advancess in DRM technology
• THE INTERNATIONAL RADIO SCENE: The most important & interesting international radio broadcasts to listen to this month
• EMERGING ISSUES IN RADIO: The medium to long term future of radio, podcasting & programming
• NETWORK RADIO: The Boxchip S900A network radio, focussing on what this much-talked-about new hybrid has to offer to old & new network radio enthusiasts
• SIGNALS FROM SPACE: The fascinating phenomenon of meteor-scatter & how you can hear the signals propagated in this way with simple means
• THE FINAL FLIGHT OF AMELIA EARHART: The role of communications, before during & after the flight pioneer’s final journey & disappearance
• FEEDBACK: Letters, contributions, comments & club initiatives
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• Een korting op de verkoopprijs van je tijdschrift
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• Je zult nooit een editie missen
• Je bent beschermd tegen prijsstijgingen die later in het jaar kunnen plaatsvinden
Je ontvangt 12 edities gedurende een periode van 1 jaar Radio User abonnement op een tijdschrift.
Opmerking: Digitale edities bevatten niet de omslagitems of supplementen die je zou vinden bij gedrukte exemplaren.
Artikelen in deze editie
Hieronder vindt u een selectie van artikelen in Radio User July 2020.