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Skeptical Inquirer Magazine January-February 2014 Vorige editie

90 Beoordelingen   •  English   •   General Interest (News & Current Affairs)
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Skeptical Inquirer January/February 2014
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Skeptical Inquirer

January-February 2014 Skeptical Inquirer January/February 2014

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Issue Cover

Skeptical Inquirer  |  January-February 2014  

Skeptical Inquirer January/February 2014
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Skeptical Inquirer is the official journal of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry. On a bimonthly basis, Skeptical Inquirer publishes critical scientific evaluations of paranormal and fringe-science claims and informed discussion of all relevant issues.

According to Editor Kendrick Frazier:
"Skeptical Inquirer is an unusual hybrid, part semi-popular magazine, part scientific journal. It's fair to say that we not only help to cross disciplinary barriers within scientific fields but bridge the gaps between the hard and soft sciences and between science and the general public."
Skeptical Inquirer has been called a "spokesman for rationality," serious but highly readable," "witty and informative," and a "steady buoy in the tumultuous sea of irrationality." Its contributors have included Isaac Asimov, Martin Gardner, Carl Sagan, Stephen Jay Gould, Richard Dawkins, and hundreds of other scholars and investigators worldwide.

In addition to in-depth feature articles, special reports, up to date news and comment, book reviews and investigations on a wide variety of topics, Skeptical Inquirer has a stellar stable of regular columnists including Joe Nickell (“Investigative Files”), Massimo Polidoro (“Notes on a Strange World”), Massimo Pigluicci (“Thinking About Science”), Robert Sheaffer (“Psychic Vibrations”), and SI managing editor Benjamin Radford's reader-driven (“The Skeptical Inquiree”).

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Gebaseerd op 90 Beoordelingen van klanten
Bekijk beoordelingen

Skeptical Inquirer

Great articles that aren't in mainstream media . Beoordeeld op 08 maart 2021

Skeptical Inquirer

Keep them coming. Great work. Truth-seeking demands a skeptical eye. Beoordeeld op 28 juni 2020

Skeptical Inquirer

Great magazine. Content no where else available. Beoordeeld op 25 juni 2020

Mag for Inquiring Minds

Mag for Inquiring Minds. Beoordeeld op 22 november 2018
"This dynamic magazine, published by the Center for Inquiry in association with the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, tells you what the scientific community knows about claims of the paranormal, as opposed to the sensationalism often presented by the press, television, and movies.
"The magazine is bi-monthly, six issues per year."
SI is an antidote to the poison of wilfull ignorance and stupidity.">

Authoritative, courageous, and controversial

Skeptical Inquirer is a fact-based and well-researched publication concerned with separating fact from fiction. "The Magazine for Science and Reason - For a fast-growing number of discriminating persons, the Skeptical Inquirer is a welcome breath of fresh air, separating fact from myth in the flood of occultism and pseudoscience on the scene today.
"This dynamic magazine, published by the Center for Inquiry in association with the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, tells you what the scientific community knows about claims of the paranormal, as opposed to the sensationalism often presented by the press, television, and movies.
"The magazine is bi-monthly, six issues per year."
SI is an antidote to the poison of wilfull ignorance and stupidity.
Beoordeeld op 17 januari 2018

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