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General Interest

The Bulletin & Record Magazine

11 edities per jaar   |  English
2 Beoordelingen   •  English   •   General Interest (History & Knowledge)
Philip Pascall, owner of First Quantum Minerals, Zambia’s biggest copper producing company, once said that whenever he is asked anywhere in the world what Zambia is like, he pushes over a copy of The Bulletin & Record and says “Read that”.

His approach, and that of thousands of others, is why the magazine is Zambia’s best read by a country mile.

Each month it covers current affairs, business and finance, economics, comment and opinion, culture and history, art and books, entertainment, fashion, health, motoring, food and sport.

It is one of the very few publications in Zambia that is not owned by or beholden in some way, to partisan political interests. It is, in a word, independent, financially and editorially. It is published by its parent company, Original Publishers Ltd., a not-for-profit company.

The magazine is investigative, reflective, analytical, and insistent on quality of thought, writing and production. Its staff writers are among the very best journalists in the country, a fact attested to by the number of awards they win.

The Bulletin & Record is still developing and growing. It now hosts a supplementary insert called The Junior Reporter, which is produced by secondary school pupils and we see through their eyes the society they and we inhabit and how they think it can be improved.

Further ambitious projects are in the pipeline.
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The Bulletin & Record

May 2016 Keep up with Zambia - news reviews and so much more!

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Issue Cover

The Bulletin & Record  |  May 2016  

Keep up with Zambia - news reviews and so much more!
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Philip Pascall, owner of First Quantum Minerals, Zambia’s biggest copper producing company, once said that whenever he is asked anywhere in the world what Zambia is like, he pushes over a copy of The Bulletin & Record and says “Read that”.

His approach, and that of thousands of others, is why the magazine is Zambia’s best read by a country mile.

Each month it covers current affairs, business and finance, economics, comment and opinion, culture and history, art and books, entertainment, fashion, health, motoring, food and sport.

It is one of the very few publications in Zambia that is not owned by or beholden in some way, to partisan political interests. It is, in a word, independent, financially and editorially. It is published by its parent company, Original Publishers Ltd., a not-for-profit company.

The magazine is investigative, reflective, analytical, and insistent on quality of thought, writing and production. Its staff writers are among the very best journalists in the country, a fact attested to by the number of awards they win.

The Bulletin & Record is still developing and growing. It now hosts a supplementary insert called The Junior Reporter, which is produced by secondary school pupils and we see through their eyes the society they and we inhabit and how they think it can be improved.

Further ambitious projects are in the pipeline.

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•  Een korting op de verkoopprijs van je tijdschrift
•  Je tijdschrift elke maand op je apparaat
•  Je zult nooit een editie missen
•  Je bent beschermd tegen prijsstijgingen die later in het jaar kunnen plaatsvinden

Je ontvangt 11 edities gedurende een periode van 1 jaar The Bulletin & Record abonnement op een tijdschrift.

Opmerking: Digitale edities bevatten niet de omslagitems of supplementen die je zou vinden bij gedrukte exemplaren.

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Gebaseerd op 2 Beoordelingen van klanten
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Full of new ideas

Always a fascinating read Beoordeeld op 18 juli 2019

Full of important details

Great for mineral collectors Beoordeeld op 17 juli 2019

Artikelen in deze editie

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