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TheNonLeague Magazine Issue 14 Vorige editie

0 Beoordelingen   •  English   •   Sport (Soccer)
Welcome to issue 14 of TheNonLeague, the football
magazine for supporters of non-league football.
The New Year has already seen some great league
and cup games up and down the country and once
again our surviving non-league clubs performed
well against higher opposition in The FA Cup, with
Sutton United and Lincoln City earning their places
in the draw for the Fourth Round with draws against
Football League opposition.
We were pleased to see that Issue 13 was a complete
sell out within days of becoming available, this was
mainly due to the number of clubs that took up the
option to raise additional funds whereby every time a
copy is sold the club makes £2 profit. Should clubs, or
indeed supporters decide to help raise funds, issues
are available on our ‘reseller’ portal on our website
Inside issue 14 we have interviews with radio and
TV presenter Colin Murray who is a fan of Chester
FC, SKY Sports presenter Johnny Phillips and Daily
Mirror journalist John Cross. We also feature National
League North ‘hotshot’ Danny Rowe, Harlow Town
striker Joe ‘the tank’ Benjamin, Chester forward
James Alabi, Lincoln City defender Sean Raggett and
former non-league goalkeeper turned WWE Wrestler
Stuart Tomlinson along with many other articles of
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TheNonLeague Magazine

Issue 14 Welcome to issue 14 of TheNonLeague, the football magazine for supporters of non-league football. The New Year has already seen some great league and cup games up and down the country and once again our surviving non-league clubs performed well against higher opposition in The FA Cup, with Sutton United and Lincoln City earning their places in the draw for the Fourth Round with draws against Football League opposition. We were pleased to see that Issue 13 was a complete sell out within days of becoming available, this was mainly due to the number of clubs that took up the option to raise additional funds whereby every time a copy is sold the club makes £2 profit. Should clubs, or indeed supporters decide to help raise funds, issues are available on our ‘reseller’ portal on our website www.thenonleague.com Inside issue 14 we have interviews with radio and TV presenter Colin Murray who is a fan of Chester FC, SKY Sports presenter Johnny Phillips and Daily Mirror journalist John Cross. We also feature National League North ‘hotshot’ Danny Rowe, Harlow Town striker Joe ‘the tank’ Benjamin, Chester forward James Alabi, Lincoln City defender Sean Raggett and former non-league goalkeeper turned WWE Wrestler Stuart Tomlinson along with many other articles of interest.

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TheNonLeague Magazine issue Issue 14

TheNonLeague Magazine  |  Issue 14  

Welcome to issue 14 of TheNonLeague, the football
magazine for supporters of non-league football.
The New Year has already seen some great league
and cup games up and down the country and once
again our surviving non-league clubs performed
well against higher opposition in The FA Cup, with
Sutton United and Lincoln City earning their places
in the draw for the Fourth Round with draws against
Football League opposition.
We were pleased to see that Issue 13 was a complete
sell out within days of becoming available, this was
mainly due to the number of clubs that took up the
option to raise additional funds whereby every time a
copy is sold the club makes £2 profit. Should clubs, or
indeed supporters decide to help raise funds, issues
are available on our ‘reseller’ portal on our website
Inside issue 14 we have interviews with radio and
TV presenter Colin Murray who is a fan of Chester
FC, SKY Sports presenter Johnny Phillips and Daily
Mirror journalist John Cross. We also feature National
League North ‘hotshot’ Danny Rowe, Harlow Town
striker Joe ‘the tank’ Benjamin, Chester forward
James Alabi, Lincoln City defender Sean Raggett and
former non-league goalkeeper turned WWE Wrestler
Stuart Tomlinson along with many other articles of
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Issue 20 issue Issue 20 Issue 20 Kopen voor €3,49 Bekijk | In winkelwagen
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Issue 17 issue Issue 17 Issue 17 Kopen voor €3,49 Bekijk | In winkelwagen
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