The Northern Miner  |  Vol. 100 No. 51
1. Oil slump spells uncertainty for fracking, frac sand
2. Franco's Harquail: 'My belief in exploration has been shaken'
3. Mining industry revisits anti-corruption procedures
4. Telfer dazzles at Mining Hall of Fame soirée
5. InvestX introduces miners to PE crowd-funding
6. Editorial: Base metal woes in Canada's north
7. Commentary - CPM Group: China key to moly market
8. Kirwin collection arrives at the ROM
9. TSX posts strong gains, Jan. 19-23
10. TSX Venture returns to positive territory, Jan. 19-23
11. U.S. equities march higher, Jan. 20-23
12. Fission team talks Triple R resource and next steps at PLS
13. Paladin gets PE from Asia
14. Forum's high hopes for Fir Island in Athabasca basin
15. NexGen continues drilling the Arrow discovery
16. B2Gold eyes 35% production growth in 2015
17. Hecla contemplates open-pit revival at San Sebastian
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