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Wrestletalk Magazine

12 edities per jaar   |  English
16 Beoordelingen   •  English   •   Sport (Ring & Combat Sport)
From €3,58 per uitgave

Wrestletalk is the only monthly magazine for all things WWE. The title brings Wrestle Talk, the world’s biggest wrestling web-show, one of the biggest wrestling news sites and the most watched and celebrated YouTube channels, to life in print. Wrestletalk magazine gives you the inside scoop on WWE’s rising stars and all of their innovative and entertaining techniques and lets you in on all the gossip on smack talk and who’s facing who in the coming months.

The full-colour glossy magazine is packed with wrestling information, match analysis, and nostalgia. The editor, James Dixon, and writing contributors are all specialist and seasoned writers in the field who live, write and breathe the sport. Wrestletalk magazine has the most in-depth wrestling content out there with high-clarity photos that will look as great on your device as they do in print with a Wrestletalk digital magazine subscription.

Sign up today to join fellow wrestling fans with an annual Wrestletalk digital magazine subscription - it’s the best in the pro-wrestling genre!

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Wrestletalk Magazine

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Wrestletalk Magazine issue 59

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Wrestletalk Issue 59
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