Backyard & Outdoor Living  |  Pools, Spas & Water Features
Long gone are the days when a swimming pool was just for summer, or to keep the kids and their friends occupied during the holidays. Today’s pools are more sophisticated and they’re required to cater to the whole family’s needs: summer through winter, day through night. Similarly, a water feature is always an asset, whether integrated into the design of a pool or located elsewhere in the garden. The range of styles is vast. You might opt for a streamlined water wall, a bubbling fountain or a tranquil pond. Even a pond can be incorporated into the design of a pool so it pays to discuss your water features ideas with your pool designer at the planning stages. This magazine will provide you with an abundance of design ideas, practical tips and stunning examples of beautifully designed pools, spas and water features to help you on your way to creating your own personalised outdoor retreat.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Backyard & Outdoor Living Pools, Spas & Water Features.