Carve  |  Carve 195
As we are going to print on this issue of Carve the news of Sunny Garcia’s intensive care hospitalisation spread around the world.
It’s no secret the black dog has hounded the Hawaiian legend throughout his life. Most of us live us with a form of depression, encounter it at some point or have friends and family that suffer.
Seeking escape from depression through a suicide attempt is a path that is sadly far too common, especially in men of a certain age.
We’re still reeling from the loss of the Prodigy’s Keith Flint, another 49-year old, with seemingly everything to live for, who took his own life. No matter that he has the adoration of a legion of fans around the world, had a successful motorbike racing team and was in a band still blowing the bloody doors off packed arenas and festivals.
There’s no knowing what folks are going through, no matter the veneer they present to the world unless we take the time to find out and talk to each other.
Some info:
• Two in five men in Britain aged 20-59 do not seek support when they need to, because they prefer to solve their own problems. The survey also showed that men often don’t want to feel like a burden and don’t feel their problems will be understood.
• In the UK men remain three times as likely to take their own lives than women. In 2017, the male suicide rate was more than three times higher than the female rate. Middle-aged men are at greatest risk of suicide. Men aged 45-59 years have the highest rate of suicide, followed by men aged 30-44.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Carve Carve 195.