When you began your family history research you probably took the stories that your relatives told you and then began by looking for your ancestors in the birth, marriage and death records as well as the censuses. The next stage is more often than not where you want to go deeper and add to the stories and to the collection of names and dates on the family tree. You may start to look for mentions of your forebears in some of the more specialist record sets.
Kenneth Grahame from Wikipedia
The Genealogist is a platform with a broad suite of record collections that begin with the censuses, BMD indexes and parish records and widens out into a large range of other specialist records for you to search. Combined with The Genealogist’s own transcriptions and its unique tools, that can often help you break down a brick wall in your family tree, using its records can help you to build your family’s history. Perhaps you want to see where they lived, find out if they are listed in school and university records, discover more about their working lives and maybe whether they brushed up against the law.