Trans Contradiction

Access to healthcare for trans people received a wave of coverage following a protest in Dublin last January. The protest hoped to highlight what organisers said is the abject failure of the state to provide adequate access to healthcare.

Trans people looking to access healthcare in the country have always faced a Herculean task. There are only two gender clinics in the state, In Galway and Dublin; they’re both considerably under-resourced, and patients can expect to wait at least a year before accessing endocrine services

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Getting older in the LGBT+ community is not all it’s cracked up to be
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The 38th EVA International, Ireland’s Biennial of Contemporary Art will
Khan Do
Twirling into the Bord Gáis Energy Theatre to launch the
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The Live Collision International Festival returns this month to shake
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Hope of a Nation
With a still record-breaking seven wins under our belts, Ireland
Editor At Large
For all you bookworms out there, the Cork World Book
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Parson James
Whatever you may think about music labels being open to queer artists nowadays, Parson James, out ‘n’ proud singer of the mega-Kygo hit, ‘Stole The Show’, was told to tone the gay down. Here he talks to Conor Behan about the homophobia and racism he experienced in his youth and in the industry, and how he’s the one in control now
Stage Left
From its early, determined beginning, inspired by Oscar Wilde and the weight of shame still carried post-decriminalisation, the International Dublin Gay Theatre Festival is now heading into its 15th year as the largest event of its type in the world. Festival founder and artistic director Brian Merriman discusses where it began, where it’s been and what’s in store for this special anniversary edition with Peter Dunne
A New Group For A Changed Country
A new LGBT+ organisation has emerged ater the closer of GLEN last year, with aims to be a national support. Peter Dunne meets its key players. Photos by Babs Daly
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A new exhibition by Paul Connell was inspired by a photograph he took of a lesbian couple in their 70s and 80s. It’s a celebration of the legacy passed on by ordinary lesbians and gay men, who lived their lives out of the closet in a very diferent Ireland to today
The GCN Report
Noah Halpin #ThisIsMe
Imagine this: You’re 24 years old. You’ve known for many
community chest
Everybody Sings At Bealtaine
May sees the return of the annual Bealtaine festival, a
Generous Gayglers!
A big shout-out from all at GCN and our publishers,
Inside Out
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They say that there are only two guarantees in life:
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