Guitar Techniques  |  John Renbourn Tribute Edition
John Renbourn was one of the finest folk guitarists of his generation – and that’s saying something given that his contemporaries included acoustic luminaries such as Bert Jansch, Davey Graham and Wizz Jones. Sadly, we said goodbye to John Renbourn in 2014 – but he left behind a rich musical legacy. It was high time, then, that we devoted an issue to this master of British acoustic guitar and who better to grant us insights into his style than the formidable fingerstyle guitarist Clive Carroll – himself a hugely talented player. Renbourn was his friend and mentor, so we join him to hear his recollections of working with John and take a masterclass in the hallmark techniques of Renbourn’s style that Clive shared with us. Elsewhere in the issue we join folk pioneer Peggy Seeger for a clear-sighted, fascinating appraisal of her eventful life in music and how female musicians’ relationship with the guitar has evolved over the years. With a raft of reviews of the most interesting new acoustics on the market, including Taylor’s Grand Pacific, it’s a packed issue that will take your own playing to greater heights.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Guitar Techniques John Renbourn Tribute Edition.