Living Blues  |  Living Blues #241
Living Blues #241 (February/March 2016) features the truly unique character Super Chikan on the cover. Chikan discusses his childhood in the Mississippi Delta, cutting his musical teeth with his Uncle the legendary bluesman Big Jack Johnson, his songwriting and the history of his name. Joshua “Razorblade” Stewart is a Clarksdale native son that has been singing and fronting bands locally for decades. Washington, D.C.-based harp player Charlie Sayles has lived the blues. Sayles is a Vietnam vet, ex-drug addict, ex-con that was blinded in one eye in a fight. But Sayles has persevered and his music has helped him survive. Wee Willie Walker is probably the best soul singer you have never heard of. After recording for Goldwax and others in Memphis in the 1960s Walker moved to Minneapolis where he lived a quiet life but continued to perform. His recent CD is up for a Grammy. Texas-based Blues Boy Willie has been singing the blues for over 60 years and has no plans of stopping. Blues scholar Bruce Conforth takes on the most recent “authenticated” Robert Johnson photo, Corey Harris talks about his new line of clothing and we look back at the top 50 blues releases of 2015.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Living Blues Living Blues #241.