It takes a lot of effort to put together this journal, and we’re lucky that this effort is shared across a great team of people, each playing their part. Recently we received two papers on ECT. Rather than just publish them as standalone pieces, our editorial board decided to produce a special edition on the subject. We are all aware it is an emotive subject, with passionate views on both sides. But we’ve always been keen to generate debate and we hope this will be as true of this edition and subject.
To get as much debate as possible, we approached @WeMHNurses and asked them to facilitate a Twitter chat. We shared their hope this would broaden out responses beyond mental health nurses to include people who have experienced ECT or refused it. We are grateful to the team, including Mark and Vanessa, who I’m also pleased to welcome to the editorial board alongside another new recruit, Stephen McKenna, who has also written for us previously in our popular Student Focus section.