Rock and Ice  |  Ascent 2019
- FREE SPIRIT: Parting words from Dean Potter, bohemian, climbing talent, soloist, BASE jumper, wingsuit flier, dog lover. - Patty Hodapp
- WILD ICE: Going subterranean in Alaska. - Tim Thompson
- DESERT SONGS: Our photographers give their views on the blocks outside Bishop, CA. - N/A
- MOUNTAIN ABSTRACT: Mountain paintings the likes of which haven't been seen before. - Conrad Jon Godly
- ZONING IN: One pitch, four hours of torment on the sea cliffs of North Wales. - Nick Bullock
- UNNATURAL WONDERS: The are of building. - Sam Bie and Jan Novak
- LE MINIMALISTE: Jean-Christophe Lafaille free soloed 5.13c, climbing 8,000 meter peaks alone, raced up the Alps, and did A5 walls. An intimate look at one of the best all-arounders of all time. - Michael Wejchert
- BIRTH STONE: A multipitch route on Maui lends itself to a compendium of verse. - Jeff Jackson and Friends
- HUNGRY GHOSTS: Specters, "third men" and otherworldly encounters may be trying to tell us something. - Francis Sanzaro
- BIRDING DOWN SOUTH: A radical expedition in Antarctica redefines possibilities - and what it means to hang it out. - Leo Holding
- REQUIEM: The went up to clean the bodies off Everest, and found unholy hell. - Jeff Long/Art by Sam Lubicz
- PARTING SHOT: A titanic photo. - Christian Pondella
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Rock and Ice Ascent 2019.