TV & Satellite Week  |  18th August 2018
Alan Cumming has certainly packed a lot into his fifty three years. Since his first big role as a murder suspect in Taggart in 1986, the Scottish actor has been the toast of Broadway in Cabaret, played a Bond villain, written a novel and memoir, voiced a kilt-wearing Smurf in two movies, opened his own club in New York and launched a fragrance for men. We’re about to see even more of the Perthshire-born star when he guests in an episode of Doctor Who as King James I later this year. But before that, he takes on the role of a charismatic sleuth in Instinct, a new Sky Witness crime drama. The thirteen parter, based on James Patterson’s Murder Games novel, follows Dylan Reinhart (Cumming), a gay psychology professor and author, who begins working with the NYPD in order to help solve a series of deaths that seem to be connected to one of his books.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in TV & Satellite Week 18th August 2018.