Gianpaolo Masotto is a 60-year-old kid with a passion for karts that is still very much alive. He saw a kart for the first time in 1974 at the age of 15, the age in which today’s drivers leave karts to race in single-seaters ... Before dedicating himself to the care of his brother’s vehicles as a mechanic, he raced both in 100 cc and 125 cc until 1980. Then, as always happens in stories that could be told in a Hollywood film, he accidentally made his first frame. Tony Bosio, the owner of Tony Kart at the time, was too busy and was unable to give the Masotto brothers a frame in the required time. So Gianpaolo set out to build it himself using the equipment of the Brescia wizard. It was 1982 and, shortly thereafter, Gianpaolo became a frame builder at a time when demand far exceeded the offer and there was truly plenty of work (the good old days, Ed).