Coconut milk is the natural friend of vegans and those with a lactose intolerance, but when enjoyed in moderation, it ofers beneits to all of us. Those beneits – and the reason you shouldn’t OD on it – are centred on the type of fat in coconuts, a medium-chain saturated fatty acid called lauric acid. This is metabolised into energy quickly in the liver, rather than being stored as fat. There’s been a long-standing worry about saturated fat and cholesterol, but a 2013 study gave people porridge made with either coconut milk or soya milk to compare the efects on cholesterol. The coconut milk lowered bad cholesterol (LDL) and upped the good (HDL). Coconut milk also has potassium, which helps control the balance of luids in your body (goodbye, water retention) and helps the heart muscles; and magnesium, which helps convert food into energy and contributes to bone health. Half a can may also naturally contain up to half a woman’s daily iron needs (check the label), important for making red blood cells. Not too shabby.
Coconut overnight oats
Serves 2