Aeroplane  |  RAF100 Anniversary
At its heart, the Official RAF 100 Anniversary features a detailed 100-year timeline charting the RAF’s evolution and operations. Key actions, events and developments are expanded into short illustrated articles explaining how and why they were important and what they meant in the context of the Service and, in many cases, of the nation.
The Battle of Britain, the Dams raid, the Falklands War and conflict in the Gulf all take their rightful place, but other defining moments in the RAF’s history also emerge. Less immediately familiar, the Schneider Trophy, the first flight of the Gloster E.28/39 experimental jet and the acceptance of female pilots into frontline flying roles, along with other turning points in the development of Britain’s airpower, will not be forgotten, their inclusion ensuring that the RAF’s story is complete.
Highly illustrated throughout, the Official RAF 100 Anniversary delves deeply into the Service’s own archives, and features the best from private collections, in some cases revealing images that have either not been published in decades or have never been seen in print before.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Aeroplane RAF100 Anniversary.