It’s no secret that I love the fall. In the last eight years as editor of Cottages & Bungalows, I’ve waxed poetic about one of my favorite seasons in this very letter each October issue. And for the first time in eight years I’ll be stepping away for a bit to tend to my own nest. I’ve been brewing a little one in my belly all year, and as she’s due in a few short weeks, this may be my last full issue before I turn the reigns over to my trusty companion and joy of a person, Kelly McMaster.
So it’s fitting that this issue, which is all about feathering the nest as the colder weather rolls in, is the one with which I start my brief hiatus. It’s the issue where we begin to think about celebrating the annual traditions of things like hosting, giving thanks and giving tokens of appreciation and love to one another. It’s where we prioritize comfort and coziness. We cook for nourishment and also emotional fortitude. We decorate to express ourselves and to honor the meanings of the seasons at hand.