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The wish to find out about your family history always begins with a question. Something you want to know about those who’ve come before you.

Something you would like to understand about The people of generations past. Maybe you already know quite a bit, and are just seeking to fill in The gaps in your family knowledge. Or perhaps you have a blank canvas – with no clue where to begin finding your roots. EiTher way, when we have a question, most of us turn to The web. So, because The internet is such a very valuable resource for hunting for clues about family history, this issue we’ve got a bumper guide to help your research. Read it and discover how to search smarter with our top tips for organised, thorough family history.

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Family Tree
Family Tree September 2018

Other Articles in this Issue

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Diarist Gill Shaw charts The rollercoaster ride of researching her family history
Adèle Emm knew her dad Sydney was a member of The shadowy Home Office Intelligence Unit in World War II, but she had to don her detective hat to find out more in The archives
Welcome to The Family Tree Subscriber Club. When you’ve joined Family Tree not only do you save money on your favourite family history read, you can also enter The ‘Subs Club’ competitions – only available to subscribers to Family Tree
Karen Clare reviews a brooding historical novel examining The nature of civilisation, power and innocence in The 19th century, based on The author’s connection to The experiences of a real-life family of Crusoes
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Memories of transatlantic 1950s travel and readers’ recommended websites and gadgets
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Diane Lindsay reflects on The wonderful spell that family history has cast over her life as she marks a special milestone
Explore The serious, sublime and The ridiculous facets of family history in this genealogical miscellany. This issue, Tom Wood discovers amazing tales of twins, certificates and descendants
One Place Study Directory
Through 2018, each issue Julie Goucher is spotlighting an unusual website to help you take your research in a new direction
LOOKING FOR Dutch ancestors
Britain has close ties to The NeTherlands going back centuries and There are rich genealogy pickings if you want to start tracing your Dutch family. John Boeren provides an expert guide
The lunch hour genealogist
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Your questions answered
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Making a ‘Home Sweet Home’
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Join The Family Tree Academy & become a skilled family historian
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Your documents & sources challenge Tax documents
This month we’re focusing on records of taxation and, in particular, two taxes collected two centuries apart. Below is a 17th century Hearth Tax return; turn The page to study The Death Duty register. Have a look at The images and see if you can answer The questions
Your transcription challenge
Have a go at transcribing The handwriting on this page from The trial register of The Old Bailey Central Criminal Court
Your case study challenge
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Interpreting ethnicity
After testing with two DNA companies, Geoff Wicks set off on a genetic journey to explore his ethnicity
Search smarter online
As a professional researcher Emma Jolly needs to get great results – quickly. Here she shares her tips, tricks and search aids to help you get The most from your family history online
How To restore your old photos digitally
Learn how to restore your family archive of old photographs with Mike Bedford’s expert advice
Behind The scenes at Secret Lives
Genealogy conferences are a fabulous opportunity for family history researchers to get togeTher and share experiences, insights and knowledge. Read on to find out about The organisations who have come togeTher to make The Secret Lives conference happen!
Why your ancestor is not in The census
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Techy tips for family historians
Make The most of digital devices, websites, apps and gadgets, with genealogical web guru Paul Carter
Taken a DNA test? Now what?
DNA tests are becoming ever more popular but The results can seem bewildering can’t They? Help is at hand, however, with family historian Karen Evans’s practical advice for making sense of your DNA test results for your family history research
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