HIV and art go hand in hand. Times of great crisis tend to lead to some of the finest art creation. The HIV epidemic of the ’80s and early ’90s led to the death of many artists, such as Gia Carangi, Freddie Mercury and Keith Haring, to name but a few. Incredible art is currently being made regarding the epidemic of that time, like the film 120BPM and the TV series Pose.
It is so important we have a chance to tell these stories that were ignored and disregarded for far too long. However, it is pivotal to note that these movies and shows tell the story of that era and not the one we are currently living in.
It is vital that people understand medicine has advanced massively since then and living with HIV in the present day is a very different story. While all this art is important, there is another ART that needs to be discussed. ART is an acronym used when talking about living with HIV. AntiRetroviral Therapy is a key component of treating HIV, but also one of a plethora of ways in which we can tackle the crisis, and the stigma associated with living with HIV. Below is a quick guide to some of the language and acronyms you will see used when discussing HIV. The more people that are informed on the topic, the better.