IN A FEW weeks, the British government will trigger Article 50 and start the process of taking the UK out of the EU. Well, that is they’ll trigger Article 50 if they stick to their word and keep to the plan, which isn’t something that can be taken for granted when you’re talking about a British government. They don’t call it Perfidious Albion for nothing you know. “Plan” in this context should of course be understood in the exact same way that plummeting off a sea cliff onto the jagged rocks below is a plan for going to the beach.
It ought to be clear to everyone by now that Scotland isn’t going to get any special consideration from Westminster when it comes to Brexit. The financial sector of the City of London may get special consideration. Japanese car manufacturers based in strongly Leave voting regions of England may get special consideration. All Scotland is in for is a bowl of stale cereal and some sour milk while being told that we’re jolly lucky to be an equal partner in this most perfect family of nations. And no, you can’t get the TV remote control, that’s a reserved issue. Now it’s way past your bedtime, you’re not going to be allowed up to take part in Brexit negotiations.