Max Magazine  |  June 2022
Two Different Women
Izzi and Tania, although both sexy and understand how to catch the man she wants, are very different. For Izzi, Mr.P straight can give him satisfaction in lovemaking. Meanwhile, Tania said the crooked Mr. P gave her a crush on the love game.
Even with the male race that is able to give it more satisfaction, it is very different. Tania sees that clean and white Oriental men always manage to attract her. In addition, Tania says that Oriental men are easier to spend money. While Izzi did not deny the presence of local men. But what gives pleasure is the Caucasian man, he said more deeply.
The shape of the man's body was also considered by Izzi and Tania. Tania most likes fat men who she thinks are more comfortable to hug. But Izzi chose a man with a short body, but not fat. To him, fat men are just shy.
Don't forget to read the latest releases of Marvel video games which are more exciting for the players. It was rumored that Disney, as the holder of the Marvel license, would create its own video game division. However, after several years passed, it turned out that the division did not materialize.
You can also dig up knowledge from the automotive rubric which reveals the best cars that are favorites this year. Also check out the gadget rubric that reveals accessories for your gadget.
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Articles in this issue
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